Geothermal Energy – Who owns the heat? To develop the state of Texas’ geothermal resources quickly and effectively, the Natural Resources Code Title 5 aims to protect the environment, correlative …
I was watching the news when I lived in Bogotá, Colombia, at noon, like most families in this country. Something unusual appeared on television: a reported large sinkhole that appeared …
GR Networking/Overview Day June 5th Geothermal IS rising! This event began by collaborating within the geothermal industry; this way we ensure unified messaging when engaging with policy makers. It was …
Highlight 1 – Criterion presented about hard to abate sectors such as petro-chemical manufacturing along the Gulf Coast. Bridget Silva also plugged the regional interest groups within Geothermal Rising. Highlight 2 –Chris …
In 2005 oil and gas (O&G) producers began implementing a technique that turned the world energy market upside down, hydraulic fracturing. Basically, drilling sideways and creating a series of fractures …