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MicroSeismic on O&G Pitch
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO and Warren Spiwak, OGGN Podcast
Year: 2024
#microseismic #OilandGas #PassiveSeismic #Fracking
Real-Time Data – Don’t Go Extinct
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO and Susan Nash, AAPG
Year: 2024
#microseismic #OilandGas #HFM #Refracs #NewAreas
Real-Time Data for Real-Time Decisions
Presenters: Jon McKenna and Charlie Stevens
Year: 2024
In this webinar, Jonathan and Charlie will discuss:
• Case studies of how microseismic data can be used as a real-time tool to test stimulation designs in new areas,
• Discuss frac-driven interactions and their impact on offset wells and
• Explore refracs and how they can adequately stimulate entire wellbores to maximize production and profitability.
#microseismic #OilandGas #HFM #Refracs #NewAreas
The Science of CCUS
Presenters: Peter Duncan – Founder and CEO, and Delfina Govia – Host of OGGN
Year: 2024
In this talk, Peter discusses the MicroSeismic CO2SeQure monitoring application in the CCUS industry from an innovation and geophysics perspective.
#microseismic #OilandGas #CCUS #Energy #Sustainability
Is There Life After Frac’ing
Presenters: Peter Duncan, Founder and CEO
Year: 2024
In this talk, Peter will present the evolution of the technology and how it is transitioning into these diverse applications.
#microseismic #geothermal #OilandGas #CCUS #Energy
Microseismic 101: Turning Science into a Business
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO and Digital Wildcatters Hosts: Julie Mclelland, Sydney Archer, Misty Gerberman
Year: 2023
In this episode of Energy 101, we dive deep into the world of microseismic technology with Dr. Peter Duncan, a geophysicist and the founder of MicroSeismic. From his early days in geology to the cutting-edge applications of microseismic in today’s energy landscape, Peter shares a wealth of knowledge and personal anecdotes.
#microseismic #geothermal #OilandGas #CCUS #Energy
Exclusive: Microseismic, Terra15 Bring Optic Fiber Tech to North America
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO and Nader Issa, CEO Terra15 and Jaxon Caines, Host
Year: 2023
In this Hart Energy LIVE Exclusive, Jaxon Caines is with Microseismic and Terra15 to learn about their partnership to bring fiber optic interrogator technology to the North American market and how acoustic sensing can help the oil and gas industry.
#DAS #Fiber #Carbonpipeline #OilandGas #CCUS #Energy
Learn How a Simple Frac Change-up can Improve Production
Presenters: Gary Hargraves, COO and Jordon Soto, Host
Year: 2023
Find out in this Hart Energy Tech Trends with Microseismic as we discuss the importance of frac design and how we are commercializing our CO2 secure monitoring service with our three Department of Energy (DOE) grants.
#FracDrivenInteractions #FracHits #EnergyTransition #OilandGas #CCUS #Energy
Unraveling KarstAlert: The Hidden Wonders and Dangers Below!!!
Year: 2023
Protect your Asset.
Implementing KarstAlert allows for early intervention and mitigation to prevent costly damages. We can monitor any and all facilities including but not limited to power plants, salt caverns, brine wells, mining operations, tailings, etc.
#Sinkhole #Karst #Void #Cavity #Subsidence #Mining
How can Passive Seismic Monitoring Pave the Way for a Sustainable and Energy-Rich Future?
Presenters: Gary Hargraves, COO and Jordon Soto, Host
Year: 2023
Find out in this Hart Energy LIVE exclusive with Microseismic. MicroSeismic discusses how we were awarded three Department of Energy (DOE) grant to commercialize our CO2 secure monitoring service.
#EnergyTransition #OilandGas #CCUS #Geothermal #Energy
Secrets of #Fail: MicroSeismic’s Impact on the Energy Industry.
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO and Matt Brown, Host
Year: 2023
Listen as Matt dives into the world of failures and lessons and Peter discusses how MicroSeismic is thriving in new markets.
#Fail #EnergyTransition #OilandGas #CCUS #Geothermal #Frac #Energy #Survival
Monitoring for Sinkhole Growth and Development
Early detection of sinkholes allows time for intervention. KarstAlert is a 24/7 real time passive monitoring system that has been proven to mitigate risk, prevent costly damages, and protect the environment.
#Sinkhole #Karst #Void #Cavity #Subsidence
Ohio Governor Conference
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO
Fracking in Ohio? Listen to Peter Duncan discuss the importance of hydraulic fracturing monitoring in the Utica and Marcellus shale.
#Fracking #OhioOilandGas #HFM #Ohio #ODNR
OGTW291 Live from the MicroSeismic User Forum
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO and Mark LaCour, OGGN
Year: 2023
Top Industry New and Why Fracking May Start To Embrace A New Form Of Energy
First time ever guest cohost: Peter Duncan
#EnergyTransition #OilandGas #Geothermal #Frac #Energy
Monitoring Small Signals that have Big Impacts in the Energy Industry
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO, Gary Hargraves, COO
Year: 2022
MicroSeismic discusses the energy transition and how it parallels the transition and advancement of companies and careers in the energy space. They walk through Gary’s path from the tech world into energy, the 20 year path of Microseismic, Inc., as a company, and how both of these stories can drive encouragement, inspiration, and innovation for anyone in the energy industry or anyone who wants to be in the energy industry.
Social Licensing & Risk Mitigation for Carbon Sequestration
Presenters: Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2022
Do you know the risks of not monitoring?
Peter Duncan of MicroSeismic, Inc. discusses with the Global Association of Risk Professionals #GARP how we are leveraging our technology to accelerate the #energytransition within the oil and gas sector.
#Risks, #CO2Sequestration, #Monitoring, #SocialLicensing, #MMV
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! Ep214 Oil and Gas HSE Podcast · October 18, 2022
Presenters: Russell Stewart and Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2022
A look back and forward on the journey of Microseismic, Inc. and how we are adapting our technology for today’s marketplace and leveraging our tools for new opportunities.
HSE, MicroSeismic, Peter Duncan, microseismic
Geophysical Tools for Measurement, Monitoring and Verification (MMV) during CO2 Sequestration
Presenters: Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2022
CO2 Sequestration projects are growing in number as the practicality of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) to offset GHG emissions becomes a reality. A key element of any CCUS project is the measurement, monitoring, and verification (MMV) of the sequestered CO2, for the purpose of qualifying tax credits and ensuring environmental compliance.
Carbon Capture, MicroSeismic, Peter Duncan, microseismic
Carbon Capture Magazine Podcast: Digging Deep into Sequestration
Presenters: Alison Small & Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2022
Produced by Carbon Capture Magazine, the podcast features Peter Duncan, President & CEO, MicroSeismic, Inc. Listeners will gain insight and better understand how to tackle the current challenges within the CCUS market.
Carbon Capture, MicroSeismic, Alison Small, Peter Duncan, microseismic
Peter Duncan on Oil and Gas Industry Leaders
Presenters: Peter Duncan, CEO and Mark LaCour, OGGN
Year: 2022
Peter Duncan on Oil and Gas Industry Leaders
#IndustryLeaders #OilandGas #Frac #Energy #Oilfield
HART ENERGY CONNECT: QEP on Tank-Style Completions
Presenters: Jessica Morales, Hart Energy, & Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2019
QEP Resources’ Jill Thompson and Nick Franciose say the company’s “tank-style” completions eliminate frac hit pitfalls.
Thompson and Franciose discuss the “tank-style” completions that eliminate frac hit pitfalls. Thompson explains the company has developed and implemented a pressure wall which is a barrier between completing wells and producing wells. In this interview, she walks through why that is different than the way things used to be done at QEP Resources.
DUG Eagle Ford: Well Interference, Focus On Drilling Inventories
Presenters: Jessica Morales, Hart Energy, & Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2019
Peter Duncan describes a few key takeaways from the 2019 DUG Eagle Ford Conference & Exhibition
Interest is returning back to the Eagle Ford because of its maturity, and people understand the geology. They know where to play and yet there are still large drilling inventories.
2018 DUG Permian Tech Showcase
Presenters: Alison Small & Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2018
Alison Small from Element Petroleum and Peter Duncan, President of MicroSeismic, Inc. present at the DUG Permian Conference & Expo.
DUG, Element, MicroSeismic, Alison Small, Peter Duncan, microseismic
Unconventional Reserve Development
Presenters: John Gibson, Chairman Energy Technology, Tudor Pickering & Holt Co.
Year: 2019
How will Geophysics contribute to the energy industry in the decades to come. Does the term seismic need to be redefined or replaced?
Geophysics, MicroSeismic, Energy Technology, John Gibson, Tudor Pickering & Holt Co.
HART ENERGY CONNECT: PetroEdge Energy’s Focus, Shale Market Outlook
Presenters: Jessica Morales, Hart Energy & Scott Wessels, Vice President of Geoscience, PetroEdge Energy
Year: 2019
The company’s vice president of geoscience explains how PetroEdge‘s focus is exploiting wells that may have been overlooked or underexploited at the 2019 Microseismic User Forum.
Shale Technology, MicroSeismic, Jessica Morales, Scott Wessels, PetroEdge Energy
2018 DUG Permian Tech Showcase
Presenters: Alison Small & Peter M. Duncan, PhD
Year: 2018
Alison Small from Element Petroleum and Peter Duncan, President of MicroSeismic, Inc. present at the DUG Permian Conference & Expo.
DUG, Element, MicroSeismic, Alison Small, Peter Duncan, microseismic