MicroSeismic, Inc. (MSI) announced a new service offering called MicroThermal Energy, which provides monitoring and analysis for enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). MicroThermal Energy can quantify the success of an EGS stimulation and provide tangible insights to improve heat-rock connectivity, by utilizing MSI advanced engineering analysis.
MicroThermal Energy supports the Enhanced Geothermal Shot and Utah FORGE initiatives. According to the Department of Energy, “The United States has vast geothermal energy resources just beneath our feet, and this analysis shows that we can make it affordable to bring that power to the surface and into U.S. households and businesses,” said Alejandro Moreno, Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Our aggressive research, development, and demonstration efforts will drive down costs and advance EGS technology, opening up new domestic energy options and helping communities and workers transition to a clean energy future.” The US currently generates about 3.7 gigawatts of geothermal electricity and is projected to grow to 90 gigawatts of electricity by 2025 as the world strives for reliable and secure sources of energy (IRA).
Gary W. Hargraves, President and COO of MicroSeismic said, “MSI is excited to expand our portfolio of monitoring solutions into areas that help the world transition to new, renewal sources of energy.” As the world moves toward safe, reliable, and attainable energy MSI is a 20-year proven monitoring solution to assist in the endeavor.
Analiese Genthe, the Account Executive for MicroThermal Energy said, “MicroThermal Energy is committed to providing competitive, innovative monitoring solutions that avoid the temperature limitations of downhole monitoring by using surface arrays to unlock the full potential of EGS.”
MSI began in 2003 with a mission to bring passive seismic technology to the oil field and have successfully monitored the stability of wellbores in tectonically active areas, CO2 sequestration (CCUS), sinkhole development, enhanced geothermal systems, reservoir stimulation, and seismic hazards in environmentally sensitive areas.
The shale boom of the mid 2000’s overwhelmed MSI with demand for hydraulic fracture monitoring. Today, priorities have changed. While frac monitoring is still a business driver for us, new opportunities have expanded our original vision to include environmental and energy markets. Adaptable technology allows us to apply passive seismic techniques to a wide spectrum of problems relevant to the oil field and beyond.
We Listen. We Protect. We Care.
MicroThermal Energy – Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)
#WeListen #WeProtect #WeCare #Geothermal #EGS #GeothermalEnergy #SeismicMonitoring #Environment #RenewableEnergy #CarbonSequestration #Sinkholes #FutureofEnergy #GeothermalEverywhere
*MicroSeismic, Inc. trademarks are registered marks in the USA, Canada, and other countries.
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Media Contact:
Monica Vrana
Chief Marketing Officer
[email protected]