HOUSTON, TEXAS – April 20, 2023: MicroSeismic, Inc. (MSI) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Nikki Martin to the company’s Board of Directors. She will assist MSI in its growth strategy in the energy and environmental monitoring surface and subsurface sectors.
Ms. Martin currently serves as the President of EnerGeo Alliance where she is responsible for the development and execution of their global strategies and priorities advocating for the energy geoscience and exploration industries. Prior to becoming President, Nikki served as the Vice President for Government and Legal Affairs. She is a knowledgeable, experienced, and successful advocate with a strong background in environmental law and public policy. Nikki has worked in the oil and gas industry as Legal & Regulatory Affairs Manager for Alaska Oil & Gas Association and practiced law in Anchorage, Alaska. Her legislative experience includes serving as staff to U.S. Senate Pro Tempore Ted Stevens and as legislative aide to the Alaska State Senate President and House Majority Leader. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the Western Resources Legal Center and is a member of the Alaska Bar Association.
“We are pleased to welcome Nikki C. Martin as our newest Board member! Her knowledge of and passion for the geoscience industry, combined with her experience of engaging government regulators globally will be invaluable to our Board.” says Peter Duncan, CEO and Founder of MicroSeismic.
“Our new board member has significant experience in the energy industry, and extensive legislative and legal experience to bring to our board. She will no doubt complement our growth into becoming the global leading energy and environmental service monitoring company.” says Gary Hargraves, President and COO of MicroSeismic.
About MicroSeismic, Inc.
We Listen. We Protect. We Care. MicroSeismic, Inc. helps our clients protect their assets, operations, and the environment, as the world transitions to reliable and secure sources of energy.
We began in 2003 with a mission to bring passive seismic technology to the oil field. As our expertise has grown, so has the list of applications. We have successfully monitored the stability of wellbores in tectonically active areas, CO2 sequestration (CCUS), sinkhole development, enhanced geothermal systems, reservoir stimulation, and seismic hazards in environmentally sensitive areas. The shale boom of the mid 2000’s overwhelmed us with demand for hydraulic fracture monitoring. Today, priorities have changed. While frac monitoring is still a business driver for us, new opportunities have expanded our original vision to include environmental markets. Adaptable technology and almost 20 years of experience allows us to apply passive seismic techniques to a wide spectrum of problems relevant to the oil field and beyond.
#WeListen #WeProtect #WeCare #MonitoringMatters
#CarbonSequestration #CCUS #Sinkhole #Geothermal #ESG #Environment #FDIn #Energy
For more information visit: www.microseismic.com
*MicroSeismic, Inc. trademarks are registered marks in the USA, Canada and other countries.
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Media Contact:
Monica Vrana
Chief Marketing Officer
[email protected]